Venice Fresh Start Café Soup & Salad Luncheon
“Venice Fresh Start Café”, the Dorcas annual Soup and Salad Luncheon, is scheduled for Saturday, April 27th at 12:00 noon. Men, women, and youth are all invited to attend. This year’s luncheon will benefit the July 21st to 26th “The Cross Mission Trip” to St. Paul’s Church in Erie, PA. The goal of this trip is to go and serve the homeless in one of the poorest zip codes in the US! Our own Adam Robertson will be our guest speaker. He will provide us with detailed information regarding this opportunity. A free-will offering will be received to benefit this mission trip. We hope you’ll plan to attend to enjoy some good food, warm fellowship and to support this Venice Church youth and adult ministry/outreach to the homeless in Erie, PA. RSVP by April 21st by emailing Shari in the Church Office.