Youth Programs

At Venice Church, we believe that teaching young people to love God and their neighbors is a top priority, which we reinforce with multiple programs and events geared towards educating children and teens.

Venice Youth Group is a Christian fellowship opportunity for 6th-12th graders and their friends to connect weekly on Monday evenings. Students are welcome to join us to build friendships and grow together in our relationships with Jesus, to study His Word and learn to live like He did. To learn more about our teen group, visit Youth Group @ Venice Church.
Tween Time is another Christian fellowship opportunity but for our 2nd-6th graders and their friends to meet monthly on Monday evenings. Kids enjoy meeting other kids, yummy snacks, fun games and an age-appropriate Bible lesson. For more information, please contact the office. To learn more about the Tween Time schedule, visit Tween Time@Venice Church or contact the church office. Register at

“Released Time” is an educational program offering religious instruction for 5th and 6th grade students from neighboring Cecil Intermediate School. For more information about Released Time, visit Released Time @ Venice Church or contact the Church Office.

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a wonderful opportunity for children in preschool-6th grade to learn about Jesus…and our older children and adults to serve God and love their neighbors. To learn more about the our next scheduled VBS, visit VBS@Venice Church

Friday Nite Free gives parents a free night of babysitting and their children (infant to age 10) a free night of fun — including dinner, a craft, story time and a movie. Friday Night Free events are planned throughout the year. For more information about Released Time, visit Friday Nite Free @ Venice Church or contact the Church Office. Register at

Sunday School 

Sunday School is a weekly opportunity for your kids to explore God’s word with fun lessons and activities. We offer classes for preschool and early elementary, older elementary, middle and high school students. Parents are welcome to join the adult Sunday School class, which is follows a video + discussion schedule that busy parents can jump into at any time. If you are interested, join us Sunday morning at 9am downstairs in the Fellowship Hall or visit our Discipleship page for more details. .

Kids Church

Preschool – 6th graders may attend our weekly Kids Church during the Sunday morning worship time at Venice Church. Children are dismissed from the pews before the sermon portion of our worship service. Parents can find their children in the youth room (downstairs in the West Wing of the building) after worship service concludes. Please ask the greeter at the entrance of the church about Kids Church when you visit or contact the Church Office.


We aim to come alongside parents to equip them to nurture a love for the Lord in their children from a young age.


Our goal is to make Christian education available to children through various programs and classes. 


Children are encouraged to participate in community-serving events and “Help Your Neighbor” projects.