Venice Presbyterian Church
3694 Millers Run Road
McDonald, PA 15057
Phone: 724-745-8362
Fax: 724-597-7265
Nursery Care — Childcare is available again during Sunday morning worship. We also have a glassed-in “cry room” in the rear of the sanctuary, if you would prefer to keep your child in service with you.
Church Directory Update — If any of your contact information has changed or if you would like to receive a copy of the directory, please e-mail the Church Office.
Sunday Greeters Needed — We are updating our Sunday greeters list. If you would like to be a greeter, or continue to be a greeter to welcome others entering the church for Worship, please sign up on the sheet at the main entry of the church. You can also call or email the church office with your intentions.
Nursery Volunteers Needed — Christian Ed is seeking volunteers to staff the nursery on Sunday mornings for church service. Please contact Deb Batey if you are interested. Phone: 412-303-5295 or email
Pastor Patrick’s Sabbath Day is Monday meaning that Mondays are a day off for our pastor. Let’s help him to get the rest he needs by refraining from phone calls and e-mails that can wait until later in the week. You can always contact Jess in the Church Office. In the event of an emergency or urgent need she can alert Pastor Patrick. Thank you!
Staying Connected Via Email – Did you know we have e-mail lists for the Prayer Chain, the bulletin, and all church e-mail announcements? The prayer chain and bulletin lists are limited to those who have requested to be part of those lists. Prayer Requests are sent as we are made aware of people and situations needing prayer. The bulletin is sent on Friday afternoon when it is completed. If you have given your e-mail address to the Church Office, you will occasionally receive e-mails with updated and announcements. If you are not receiving e-mails from the Church Office and would like to be on the Prayer Chain, bulletin, or the “all church” list, please e-mail the Church Office.
Cecil Community Cupboard – Thank you for your continuing support of our “Little Free Pantry” in the lower parking lot. If you would like to make donations of non-perishable food items or toiletry products, the Pantry Donation Box is in the overflow room at the entrance to the Sanctuary (behind the sound board).
We would like to highlight other community events that might be of interest to our church members; however, we are not responsible for registration to these events. Please contact the event host directly.
Cecil Township’s Parks & Recreation Upcoming 2025 Events
Venice Presbyterian Church
3694 Millers Run Road
McDonald, PA 15057
Phone: 724-745-8362
Fax: 724-597-7265