Welcome to Cecil Township

If you are looking for a warm and welcoming environment to celebrate and grow your faith or if you’re looking to begin your faith journey, Venice Presbyterian Church offers a vibrant, Christian community of believers of all ages.

Come to worship with us each Sunday at 10:00 am.

  • Adult-supervised nursery care – 0-4 years old
  • Kids’ Church – Preschool through 6th grade
  • Sunday School — weekly @ 9:00am, classes available for all ages
  • Gals for God – Ladies Prayer Group meets on Thursdays @ 11:30 am – 1:30 pm
  • Venice Youth Group – 6th-12th graders and their friends connect weekly on Monday evenings at 5:30pm
  • Tween Time – 2nd-6th graders and their friends meet monthly on the last Monday of the month at 6:00pm
  • Released Time – an educational program offering religious instruction for children
  • VBS (Vacation Bible School) – preschool-6th grade children learn about Jesus along with older children and adult volunteers from 9:00 am – 12:00 pm during the third week of June

To learn more about us and to stay updated on our current events, please visit us on Facebook.

We’d love to meet you and have you experience the connection and belonging that comes with worshiping with us.  We hope you can join us!

Connect Card

If you would like to have someone contact you to answer any questions you may have or connect you to someone who will meet you at the door on the day of your visit, please fill out the information below.